


About me

Just your average IT student with a habit of blogging and sometimes ranting…

  • Full name: Tong Vo Anh Thuan
  • Current occupation: Undergraduate student
  • Major: Computer Network and Data Communication at University of Information Technology, VNUHCM (2021-2024)
  • Interests: Anything technical (doesn’t have to be IT related).

You can contact me via email - thuan.tongg@gmail.com. For other ways of reaching me, have a look at the bottom left side bar.

About this site

You are viewing my personal website for posting blogs as well as projects or any of my achievements. Aside from that, occasionally, I write content about specific subjects I took at my university for the sole purpose of learning and sharing. The language on this web page could be either Vietnamese or English, I’m too lazy to make a language switcher so there’s that.

I’m not a web developer so I like to keep this site as simple as possible in terms of functionality and UI design. The Jekyll theme I’m using is Chirpy with a bit of customization from my side and the whole thing is running on the GitHub Pages platform. The GitHub repository for this website can be found here.